Mgr. Alexander Mušinka, PhD.

Institution: Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences SAS – Institute of Social Sciences SAS Institute of Romani Studies rómskych štúdií, Prešov University in Prešov
Phone: +421 905436538

Project position:  expert

Reflection on the project:
The project definitely pointed out the need for cross-border cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine. Such cooperation can in the long run bring significant benefits, exemplifying the experience of Norway, where the Barents Euro-Atlantic Region has been operating successfully for several years. Similarly, Slovakia has had similar institutional experience in the past in the form of the Carpathian Euroregion, however, due to the inactivity of the competent institutions, this initiative is today only formal. For me personally, the results of the project presented clear evidence of the necessity and justification for the establishment of (old) new institutionalized co-operation.

Research focus:
Mgr. Alexander Mušinka, PhD. (1969) –Cultural anthropologist. Studied ethnology and history at FFUK in Prague where he defended his doctoral thesis.
In the long term, he has been dealing with the issue of Roma and Ruthenian-Ukrainians, primarily in Slovakia, from a historical and cultural-anthropological point of view. He worked as an adviser to the Ministry of Labour, Soc. Affairs and Family, prof. Iveta Radičová, Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities and the MLSAF State Secretary Lucia Nicholson. He is the (co)author of several publications, collections and scientific works (/ Roma Marginality, Old Brick Factory, Drugs in the Roma communities of Prešov Region, / / National minority before extinction? / and others).
He is active in the non-governmental sector. He has participated in many research, non-governmental and development projects (Canadian-Slovak Development Project Svinia, Atlas of Romani Communities in Slovakia, research on the drug situation in Roma communities in the Prešov region and others).

Siginificant publications:
(2014) Mušinka, A. ‒ Škobla, D. ‒ Hurrle, J. ‒ Matlovičová, K. ‒ Kling, J.Atlas rómskych komunít na Slovensku 2013. Bratislava, UNDP, 2014. 120 str. ISBN 978-80-89263-18-9
Mušinka Alexander: Podarilo sa.//Príklady úspešných aktivít na úrovni samospráv smerujúcich k zlepšeniu situácie Rómov. Prešov, Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity, 2012. 216 str.
Mušinka Mikuláš – Mušinka Alexander://Národnostná menšina pred zánikom? Štatistický prehľad rusínsko-ukrajinských obcí na Slovensku v rokoch
(1773) 1881 – 2011. Prešov, Minoritas – AUS – PU – CAV, 2011. 620 str.
Drogy v rómskych komunitách Prešovského kraja. /Prešov: Centrum antropologických výskumov, 2007. – 137 s.