Ing. Eduard Nežinský, PhD.

Institution: FI CSPS SAS
Phone: 02 52 49 52 78

Project position:  expert

Reflection on the project:
The project provided a regional and institutional view of economic issues. Communication with foreign partners from various areas of research and management was beneficial, as well as closer cooperation with CSPS SAS Kosice branch.

Research focus:
Since 2013, researcher at Forecasting Institute CSPS with focus on forecasting short-term time series and is involved in the creation of the Forecasting Institute Bulletin. The research activity is focused on analysing time series and applying optimization techniques to assess eco-efficiency and welfare.

Siginificant publications:
1. ABC LUPTÁČIK, Mikuláš – NEŽINSKÝ, Eduard – LÁBAJ, Martin. (2016) Drivers of the change in social welfare
in European countries /. In Dynamic perspectives on managerial decision making : essays in honor of Richard F.
Hartl. – Switzerland : Springer International Publishing, 2016. – ISBN 978-3-319-39120-5. – S. 233-249 Citácie: 0
2.ADC LUPTÁČIK, Mikuláš – NEŽINSKÝ, Eduard – LÁBAJ, Martin. (2014) Data envelopment analysis for
measuring economic growth in terms of welfare beyond GDP. Dostupné na: – Popis urobený: 8.9.2014.
In Empirica [elektronický zdroj] : journal of European economics. – Dordrecht : Springer, 2014. – ISSN 0340-8744.
– Vol. 41 (2014), pp. 407-424 online. Citácie: 4
3. ADDA NEŽINSKÝ, Eduard – BALÁŽ, Vladimír. (2016) Are the Confidence Indicators Meaningful for Forecasting
Real Economy? : Testing Power of Confidence Indicators for Industry Output, Prices and Employment in the
Visegrád Group Countries. In Ekonomický časopis, 2016, roč. 64, č. 10, s. 923-936. ISSN 0013-3035. Citácie: 0
4. AFC FIFEKOVÁ, Elena – NEŽINSKÝ, E. – VALACHOVÁ, A. (2016) Institutional quality of the EU and OECD
countries. In Vision 2020: innovation management, development sustainability and competitive economic growth
[elektronický zdroj] : proceedings of the 28th international business information management association
conference : 9-10 november 2016, Seville, Spain / editor: Khalid S. Soliman. – Norristown : International Business
Information Management Association (IBIMA), 2016. – ISBN 978-0-9860419-8-3. – S. 1833-1843 CD-ROM.
Citácie: 0
5. ADE FIFEKOVÁ, E. – NEŽINSKÝ, E. (2014) The V4: a Decade after the EU Entry. In Enterpreneurial
Business and Economics Review EBER. Globalisation of Economics and Industries. – Cracow : Cracow
University of Economics, 2014. – ISSN 2353-883X. – Vol. 2. No. 2, s. 31-45. Citácie: 0